Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Being Considered

Many times throughout this christian walk we will encounter trials, tribulations, sufferings, hardships, difficulties, etc... One must remember however the endeavoring responsibility of the righteous. The task at hand appears insurmountable,my thoughts tell me to leave and give up in the faith, situations seem not to be on my side, my sins convict me beyond measure. What is it Lord. Why must I go through the many tests of life? Why must I be faced with trial after trial, day after day? The questions is why not you. In order to reign with Him the saint must suffer. In order to receive your crown of righteousness that so dearly awaits one must endure the temptations of this life. So remember the next time you consider wondering why, just know YOU ARE BEING CONSIDERED!!!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! We should think it not strange when we are attacked by the darts of fiery darts of the wicked one. I am thankful that God favors me enough to consider me.
