Monday, August 31, 2009

Your record will be there!!!

Praise the Lord! Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Build a very good heavenly resume. Start today by obeying God's word. No matter your past, you can clean up what you've messed up! Remember that the eyes of the Lord is in every place beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3) He sees all and its all being recorded there in heaven on your record book. The contents of your record book will speak of the deeds you've done in this life. You will stand before a holy and righteous God to give account one day, so make it easy on yourself by confessing your sins, repenting and living a righteous life from this day forward. Your record will be there! Much love,

"The Country Boy"

Pastor G.

Friday, August 28, 2009

He's Able

No matter the test or trial God is able. Despite the circumstances and hardships God is able. Through the difficulties and set backs God is able. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can think or ask according to the power that lies in u. What is it that U need God to do for U? It doesn't matter just know that HE'S ABLE!!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Children are a blessing

It's widely understood that your upbringing, whether it was kind or cruel, has a major influence on your attitudes and behaviors even once you've entered adulthood. This is why it is not only important but a MUST to raise your children with the principles and love that God has instructed us to. In doing this we are guarding their hearts against the wicked one until the day comes that they must choose for themselves who they will serve.

We love you New Beginnings children.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What A Mighty GOD We Serve

PSALMS 118:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

Can you think of any reason to give him thanks today? As the songstress says, " When I look back over my life and i think things over. I can truly say that I've been change I got a testimony." Who wouldn't serve a GOD like this.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

God Deserves A Praise..

Ever wonder why He deserves a praise?

It is not as hard as you think of something that you could give Him praise for...

If you are reading this ,
He WOKE you up this morning and STARTED you on your way!
If you are reading this,
He has given you the ability to SEE!
If you are reading this,
He has given you the ability to READ!
If you are reading this,

There are so many things that God deserves a praise for.

Just take a minute and think about how good God has truly been and before you know it.....

You will be giving GOD the PRAISE...

"Discerning God's Call"

Discerning God's call usually involves many attempts and failures. You did not arrive on this planet with your calling pre-clarified and your gifts pre-developed. Before Peter walked on water he said. "Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Jesus said, "come." Before you get out of the boat you better make sure this is what you have been called to do, and that Jesus is the One doing the calling. God's looking for something more than impulsiveness. Some times we make reckless decisions about relationships, finances or work, then rationalize it with veneer (facade or artificial appearance) of spiritual language.

The line between "thou shalt not be afraid," and "thou shalt not be stupid" is one that is easily blurred. Knowing when to get out of the boat and take a risk doesn't just call for courage, it calls for wisdom to ask the right questions, discernment to recognize the Master's voice and patience to wait until He says "Come".
-New Beginnings Ministries

Monday, August 10, 2009

This is the day that the Lord has made

Be glad and rejoice in the Lord every day, for tomorrow is not promised.