Tuesday, March 16, 2010


From Pastor and Founder Elder Anthony C. Grady 25 February 2010

Greetings in the name of Jesus! Happy Anniversary to all the saints, families and friends at New Beginnings Ministries! God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. (Ephesians 3:20) How blessed we are to dwell together in unity! We're still standing strong and striving to do the work of the Lord. How blessed we are to enjoy the favor of God! Yes, this has been a difficult year, one comprised of many trials, but our God is faithful, and He has seen us through every heartache, every misfortune, every obstacle and every disappointment that originated from the hands of the enemy! Through it all, we still possess faith to move mountains, courage to stand, and Joy that surpasses all understanding. What an awesome God we serve! Hallelujah!

Within the last year, we have seen the Lord work in miraculous ways. Our eyes have witnessed people healed from sicknesses, marriages restored, homeless fed and sheltered, the poor blessed financially. We have seen people delivered and set free from the addictions of drugs, alcohol and pornography. We have seen lives transformed before our eyes, lost souls saved, backsliders reclaimed, broken hearts mended, curses stopped, sexual identification made concrete, enemies defeated, membership additions, Jesus lifted higher, and God glorified!

It's true that God has shown Himself mighty and faithful in His dealing with us, but I believe that we are at a critical point in our effort for effective ministry. God wants to advance us to the next level of ministry and in order to get there, we must live and serve God in accordance to a very important spiritual truth. In Luke 9: 23 Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me". Now understand that when Jesus spoke that verse of denying ourselves, He was and is saying that we must say no to our desires when they conflict with God's will. He's calling every believer to a lifestyle of denial. Jesus is calling us to a lifestyle of sacrifice!

Many in the Body of Christ need to be set free from their fear of sacrifice. So many believers hide their gifts and their talents, but mostly their finances like the slothful servant of Matthew 25:14-30 and in so doing they never reach the level of freedom or abundant living that Jesus expects of us. But it's the will of God that every believer be set free from their fear of sacrifice and there is a simple truth that will do just that if we grasp it.

In the verses that follow Luke 9:23, Jesus mentions three things that will happen in the lives of those who refuse to "deny themselves and take up his cross daily".

First of all, believers who will not live a life of sacrifice will eventually lose everything they have lived for anyway. Secondly, those who see sacrifice for Christ as a threat to their own security will eventually lose the very thing that they were trying to make secure. Jesus said, "For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it" Luke 9:24. And last, those who refuse to live a life of self-denial and sacrifice for Jesus Christ will ultimately forfeit their rights of eternal recognition and status. Jesus put it this way, "For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and My words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father's, and of the holy angels" Luke 9:26. Praise Him!

We can accomplish all that God has assigned to us. We can go to the next level. We can bring our vision to pass, but must follow the leading of God's spirit and walk by Faith. Commitment, hard work, love and many personal sacrifices are inevitably key ingredients for advancing to the next level. Be encouraged my brethren, because the omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresence God who brought us to this present time will continue to pour out blessings, open doors of opportunities and strengthen us to advance the Kingdom. Oh, Bless Him!

Here in this "vessel of Love" we're excited about the outpouring of God's spirit, the anointing in the lives of His people, the agape love in this place that flows from heart to heart and the plans that God has for New Beginnings Ministries! Also, we're so grateful for the people that have allowed God to plant their feet within this court of praise! We're Moving!

I want you to know that I love you and I'm truly honored to be your pastor.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Anthony C. Grady